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Get set to rediscover Africa with an Acacia Africa Safari

Get set to rediscover Africa with an Acacia Africa Safari

Get set to rediscover Africa with an Acacia Africa Safari

Recent events have altered our lives considerably and we have all come to realise how precious the gift of travel is. But while our freedom to roam is on hold, we can still escape online and make plans for the future. Ready to inspire your itchy feet, leading adventure travel specialist, Acacia Africa has picked out a list of safari holidays that are likely to be in demand once we start to wander again, the operator including a selection of blog posts and YouTube videos, so you can indulge in Southern and East Africa from the safety of your sofa.

Arno Delport, Sales & Marketing Manager at Acacia Africa, comments, “Travel can be uplifting, and by providing some much-needed inspiration we are hoping to raise everyone’s spirits. For many people, coming to Africa is a life-changing trip, and it’s also life-changing for the communities and wildlife projects we support, but for now, we’d like to transport you to the continent through your mind’s eye – your online journey a virtual springboard to new and exciting adventures.”

The end of self-isolation will undoubtedly trigger a desire to rediscover the world around us. Africa is the ideal choice for anyone wanting to get back in touch with the natural world, the continent home to breathtaking landscapes, abundant wildlife and spectacular migrations. While Kenya plays host to “The Greatest Wildlife Show On Earth,” the Masai Mara is a year-round crowd-pleaser for Big Five fans – especially those hoping to catch sight its feline inhabitants, the Big Cat Diary, Big Cat Tales and The Lion King remake all set in the beloved game reserve. Also, part of the annual event, the open plains of the Serengeti burst into life during “Green Season” – roughly half a million wildebeest giving birth over a two or three week period (usually in February).

The 13-day Kenya & Tanzania Adventure includes game drives in the Mara, the Serengeti National Park and the neighbouring Ngorongoro Crater – the bonus, an additional three-night stay on the tropical island of Zanzibar. From £1,395pp (no single supplement) + £980pp (Adventure Pass) including all highlights, transport, camping accommodation, most meals, services of a tour leader and driver. Starts Nairobi – ends Dar es Salaam. Year-round departures.

Discover the wide vistas, sweeping sunsets, warm smiles and magnificent wildlife of East Africa. Join Acacia Africa in the Masai Mara and see the herds of elephant and zebra roam free. Visit a local Maasai Village. Gaze into the expanse of the Ngorongoro Crater and explore the wilds of the Serengeti National Park.

Why is Kenya more famous than most other African countries?

Currently, many of us are separated from our loved ones, a sure sign that 3G holidays will be in demand when the world opens up to travel once again. One of Acacia’s family-friendly small group safaris, the seven-day Kruger & Victoria Falls makes stops in South Africa and Zimbabwe, the itinerary including game viewing in the popular Kruger and lesser-known Matobo national park, before coming to a close at the Victoria Falls. Weekly Saturday departures make this the ideal half-term adventure – night flights and zero jet lag an added bonus for those with kids in tow. From £895pp (two sharing) + £590pp (Safari Pass) including all highlights, transport, accommodation (twin-share rooms with en-suite facilities), most meals, services of a tour leader and driver. Starts Pretoria – ends Victoria Falls. Year-round departures.

South Africa’s Hidden Secrets

Crises have the power to wreak havoc, but they can also focus the mind and give us the confidence to meet challenges head-on. For that reason, Acacia claims in the days to come, more of us could find ourselves saying yes to adrenaline-fuelled pursuits. Covering off the best of Southern and East Africa’s adventure capitals, the 56-day Grand African Adventure passes through Jinja, Livingstone and Swakopmund – white water rafting down the Nile, bungy jumping from the Victoria Falls bridge and sky-diving over the Namib desert just some of the thrilling pursuits on offer.
The trip also features an optional 16-kilometre hike to Livingstonia in Malawi, the exhilarating itinerary combined with safaris in eight countries – gorilla trekking in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park a major highlight. While shorter stints on the continent have become increasingly popular, Acacia expects to see a rise in the number of people taking longer overland trips of five weeks or more, recent events causing people to reevaluate their priorities in life. From £4,450pp (no single supplement) + £1,140pp (Adventure Pass) + £640pp (Gorilla & Chimp Permit) including all highlights, transport, camping accommodation, most meals, services of a tour leader and driver. Starts Cape Town – ends Nairobi.

Experience Africa – A once-in-a-lifetime Adventure

Over the last few weeks, we have seen an outpouring of goodwill – in our cities, across social networks and between nations. A silver lining in otherwise uncertain times, these grassroots humanitarian efforts will likely inspire many more of us to opt for holidays that reflect these same values. In the words of Bill Gates, “It (Covid19) is reminding us that our true work is not our job, that is what we do, not what we were created to do. Our true work is to look after each other, to protect each other and to be of benefit to one another.” Keen to give back, we might find ourselves actively volunteering or making a conscious decision to book tours where tourism makes a positive difference to communities and wildlife projects.

Travel on the 44-day Rivers Lakes & Mountains, your walking safari in Zimbabwe’s Matobo National Park providing support for the Matobo Rhino Trust program; seek out Africa’s endangered Wild Dog in Zambia’s South Luangwa National Park where conservation efforts have helped to keep the painted dog on the landscape, and traverse dense undergrowth in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – the population of the world’s last remaining Mountain Gorillas making a recent comeback.

Covering seven countries, the adventure includes additional wildlife viewing, and a trip with a purpose, an optional half-day of volunteering in Uganda and the opportunity to work alongside local craftsmen in Malawi. From £3,815pp (two sharing) + £880pp (Adventure Pass) + £640pp (Gorilla & Chimp Permit) including all highlights, transport, camping accommodation, most meals, services of a tour leader and driver. Starts Pretoria – ends Nairobi. Year-round departures.

Go walking with rhinos and meet Mik & Valerie, Editors of Suitcase Stories.

The Simple Discoveries team share an important lesson on how to capture images of the endangered rhino in wild.

How to Be a Humanitarian on Tour & Travel with Purpose

The global pandemic has reminded us of our own fragility, and regardless of age, that our time on this planet is limited. That fear might well awaken in us, not just a desire to travel, but a longing to discover the extraordinary.

From exploring attractions that are unique to the world to viewing endangered wildlife and engaging with communities whose traditional way of life could well disappear. Book a seat on the 34-day Zanzibar to Cape Town, the camping adventure including a safari with the Kalahari Bushmen (your visit contributing to the survival of this fascinating tribe); an optional underwater safari in Lake Malawi – the freshwater lake inhabited by cichlids, a colourful range of fish found nowhere else in the world, and 24/7 wildlife viewing at Etosha, the national park’s waterholes among the best places in the world to see the endangered Black Rhino. From £2,820pp (no single supplement) + £300pp (Adventure Pass) including all highlights, transport, camping accommodation, most meals, services of a tour leader and driver. Starts Dar es Salaam – ends Cape Town. Year-round departures.

Botswana – Land of Giants

This is Namibia – a journey into the wild

Experience the warm heart of Africa

One of the most dramatic effects we have seen in recent days is the considerable reduction in air pollution while countries are on lockdown. That’s cause for everyone to take a more sustainable travel stance when they finally hit the road – Earth Day (22 April) sure to heighten the importance of this message – the 2020 theme focused on climate change. Always looking for innovative ways to reduce its travellers’ carbon footprint, Acacia Africa partners with Greenpop, and in the summer of 2019, the operator signed up to help its local suppliers limit the number of single-use plastic bottles on their tours.
The Serengeti & Ngorongoro safari vehicles used by Acacia are fitted with new 20-litre water dispensers, each one carrying safe potable drinking water from Arusha. Game drives on Tanzania’s “Endless plains” and within the Ngorongoro Crater, are in included on the 11-day Highlights of Tanzania, the Adventure Camping tour priced from £1,395pp (no single supplement) + £600pp (Adventure Pass) including all highlights, transport, camping accommodation, most meals, services of a tour leader and driver. Starts Dar es Salaam – ends Nairobi. Year-round departures.

Safari Inspiration From The Big Screen

Post source : Acacia Adventure Holidays Ltd

About The Author

Anthony has worked and travelled the world extensively and has design and Marketing Management experience in the retail travel industry.

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